August Weekly Recap 2 // (8.10.2020 - 8.16.2020)

by - 8:44 PM

Going back to a regular routine after an intense week of splurging for my birthday last week is bittersweet but also a relief. Being productive and having a set schedule, hanging out at home and getting stuff done is a good feeling. This weekly recap is going to be short and sweet with just a few pictures and short descriptions of what we had. Let me know if you guys like the longer, more detailed recaps or if the short and simple ones work better. 

MONDAY 8.10.2020

Today was a productive day for both home and work. I had leftovers for lunch and then we ordered sushi takeout for dinner since we had a lot to do, including grocery shopping, and didn't have time to cook. I took care of the groceries thanks to Instacart. Feel free to use my referral link if you are looking for a good grocery delivery app or want to try it out. You get $10 off your order when using my referral link to sign up. 😁

TUESDAY 8.11.2020

For dinner we had Salmon Caesar salads. It was date night so we watched Hamilton on Disney+ and we only got to finish half of the show but it was AMAZING. I highly recommend to anyone who lives broadway shows, plays, history, and/or hip hop. 

WEDNESDAY 8.12.2020

For dinner on Wednesday, we kept it light with a loaded Cobb Salad with cucumbers, red onion, hard boiled egg, tomatoes, and avocado. 

THURSDAY 8.13.2020

This was my brunch after fasting on Thursday. I toasted a plain bagel, added some peanut butter, bananas, and Nutella. Paired with some almonds and fruit. 

FRIDAY 8.14.2020

Drew had off on Friday but we had a lot to do around the house. We made BBQ Chicken Quesadillas for lunch using BBQ sauce, shredded Mexican cheese, diced chicken, and sliced red onions. On the side we had some grape tomatoes and fruit. After I was done with work, we spent pretty much all evening cleaning out our basement and organizing it. We moved my desk and office set up back downstairs into the basement office. Which I am excited for since we organized and cleaned it up some more it looks a lot nicer, roomier and just more homey. 

SATURDAY 8.15.2020

Saturday was a busy day, we ran errands all morning and then got ready to head to a small family event until later in the evening. I wished we had gotten some pictures but it's okay. 

SUNDAY 8.16.2020

We slept in which felt really good. Then we cleaned the house, vacuumed, swept, wiped down a lot of things, dusted and deep cleaned the bathroom. I repotted some plants and we rearranged my houseplants inside the house and decluttered as much as we could. We're ordering pizza for dinner since we are wanting to relax after cleaning the house and most likely going to finish the second half of Hamilton on Disney+ 😁

Hope everyone had a great weekend and that you have a great week this week. 

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