Sugar Junkie's Fave Photography App - Lumie

by - 5:12 PM

Bokeh is the Japanese word that describes the blurriness of light that is captured in photos. See those light balls in this picture below as a result of the unfocused lens? That's bokeh. I was introduced to this app by my friend Pao (Cool name, right? I call her Pow Pow!). Anyways, I absolutely love this app. It's called Lumie and it lets you edit photos on your iPhone by adding a BOKEH effect to your pictures!

Lumie let's you take ordinary, dim, or dark pictures and spruce 'em up with a bit of magical bokeh. 

Before, sad dark picture I took of my window and wall. ----          After! Magic!

There's even different variations of bokeh shapes like swirls, hearts, stars, and galaxy effects. 

You can even add this funky Polaroid frame. I love me some Polaroid frames!

Loooove it! Got an app you'd like to share with Sugar Junkie? Tell us!

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