Let's Get Lost 2020 Recap

by - 6:00 AM

Hey all,

It's been a WHILE, but I truly feel like despite all that's going on, we're all finding ways to flourish and appreciate the little things this year. I know we have. Drew and I believe we reached a burnout point earlier this year and we didn't even know it. We had so many plans and things were taking a huge turn for this year, but it was overwhelming. In a way, we are grateful for the reality check and sudden stoppage of constantly moving.

I wanted to do a recap of our year thus far, just to recognize how far we've come as we're more than halfway through it.

Last month, we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. It was simple but still magical. We opened up our wine box that we sealed during our wedding ceremony. We went to the park where we got married and had a picnic of local Puerto Rican food, drank the wine, and read our letters. We cried and laughed. We couldn't believe that literally the second half of our first year being married had endured a quarantine! But we're happy and healthy, and that's what matters.

We celebrated on a Sunday but on the actual day of our anniversary, Drew brought home some surprises. Including my absolute favorite dessert in the world, Butter cake and vanilla ice cream from California Pizza Kitchen. 

We've spent a huge portion of our time building our brands and re-prioritizing our goals. And in between it all, we've definitely tried to help build up other small businesses and support in any way we can. During quarantine, like many others - we found ourselves ordering out more to support local businesses, families, and restaurants. Like these beautiful cakes we ordered from a local baker to celebrate my cousin's 18th birthday and my sister's birthday (both in May).

AND these custom flavored cream puffs from this local gem. We got cheesecake, almond, Nutella, and mint chocolate chip! The output of creativity and quality during these trying times really puts things into perspective for us, in helping to support others, we ended up being inspired by others and their hustle. 

Of course, January through March was a time of New Year's Resolutions. I was about halfway through the 75 Hard Challenge, on my 35th day streak. We were eating healthy, working out and going for daily walks (yes, even in the frigid cold), and prioritizing our fitness and health. And of course, I didn't have enough discipline to continue into the Stay at Home Order. Work immediately switched to working from home full time and it took a huge toll on my mental health and schedule that I was JUST getting used to after months. Which I was more than okay with. My normal work schedule would be to arrive at the office by 7:30am and leave by 4:00. I'd get home around 4:30pm if there was light traffic and workout. Once Drew got home, we'd go for a walk for about 2 miles. Sometimes, we'd walk all the way to a coffee shop a few miles from our home to grab tea or a snack. Then we'd head back home to cook dinner, dishes, work on business stuff, and then shower for bed. 

Our schedules since early March, 2020 has been all over the place. We've never really bounced back but we also don't have any regrets. We're still adapting and ever changing. 

We're working on getting a decent rhythm again. Focusing on good habits and eliminating unintended bad ones. Trying to find time to cook again, eat healthier, and find the mental capacity to work out and get back on the fitness train. 

Much like everyone else, we've also filled our home with a lot of life and greenery. We've cleared out a lot of clutter, trying to go for the minimalist approach. And taken on a lot of plant life and potted herbs. The herbs are great for Crouton, we have a steady supply of fresh cilantro and parsley to feed her. I've been able to transplant and repot a lot of the plants into the backyard and into larger pots for indoor care. Connecting with nature and getting your hands in the dirt or your feet in the sand have always been proven to ground you, spiritually. Cultivating life and freshness around you is important. 



I plan to get some recipes posted soon as well as a recap of our recent trip we took (safely, of course). We hope everyone is still pulling through and finding ways to be happy and healthy, especially in a time where it might be that much harder to navigate through the negativity. Let us know what you have been up to and what you've done to cope with all that's happening. 

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