LUSH Honey Brazened Face Mask Review

What it is: "Honey Brazened" is a "fresh" face mask, made with fresh ingredients such as free-range eggs, honey, lime oil, spices, and ground almonds. This mask is to be kept in the fridge, as it is perishable. It's toted as Lush's deepest cleansing mask, and the perfect way to revive sluggish or congested skin.
What it claims to do:
- Fresh free-range eggs and honey soften, lime oil brightens, spices warm the skin and ground almonds exfoliate. Kaolin clay reaches deep down into pores to pull out dirt and impurities, leaving your skin noticeably brighter and fresher. Our deepest cleansing mask, Brazened Honey is the perfect way to revive sluggish or congested skin.
- Banish dirt and excess oil: Ideal for those with combination to oily skin, or those who want a deep cleansing mask.
- Deep clean for your skin: We use ginger root extract in Brazened Honey to warm and cleanse the skin.

My review: The way this mask smells as you start to apply it is pretty strong. It's not an unpleasant smell but the scent of ginger and fresh herbs may be overpowering for some. The mask is chunky in consistency and you must work quickly to apply it all over your face, being careful to avoid eyes and lips. The mask dries faster than you think! As it rests on your skin, it tingles. You may feel a burning sensation. I felt burning on my cheeks where I have dry skin sometimes, so those with sensitive skin watch out for irritation by this product.

The wait time, according to the instructions, is about 5 to 10 minutes. When the mask completely dried after about 6 minutes, I started to wash my face and scrub. Gently scrubbing the mask into your skin as you wash it off feels so good! You can definitely feel the ground almond bits rubbing away the dead skin and other impurities. After a good rinse, there was an immediate and noticeable difference in the way my skin felt very, very soft and supple. I was really surprised, to be honest. I didn't expect to see such nice, glowing results after the first use.
I had two jars of this face mask, I used one right away and froze the other to preserve it. I saw no difference in the the jar that was frozen and then thawed. The frozen product is pictured below!

I had two jars of this face mask, I used one right away and froze the other to preserve it. I saw no difference in the the jar that was frozen and then thawed. The frozen product is pictured below!

The Verdict: I highly recommend this mask. The overall look and feel of my skin was so much more smoother, even-toned, and brighter after the first use! The mask doesn't dry out your skin as far as I've used it, leaving my skin feeling very soft. The only con would be that it needs to be stored in the fridge but as a result the coldness of the mask helps to soothe and calm your skin. I suffer from enlarged pores and after using it a couple times a week, I have noticed my pores looking cleaner and less clogged after using all of this product over the course of two weeks!
Where to buy it: This product is only sold in Lush stores.
Price: $6.95 for 2.1 oz